Short Story Ideas

Earlier this year I had two great ideas for a short story. One of the ideas was a story based in an ‘Area 51’ style place but instead of working with aliens, the scientists worked with diseases to create the deadliest diseases possible for use in war. This story idea can go in two ways; either the scientists create a zombie virus or a super-virus infects the workers. Either of these ideas would have the same two main problems; not catching the disease and stopping the disease from escaping the Area 51 style setting. These problems would probably work better in the zombie story because the survivors would be hunted by creatures and not just staying away from infected people. I decided that calling this story “Area 57” would be fitting since it relates to the well known Area 51.

The second story Idea I have is quite weird. This is because it was based off a very vivid and extraordinary dream of mine. In this dream I kept accessing a secret land inside a shopping centre. To access this extraordinary land, you have to go through a whacky door or passage (pull toilet flusher off the toilet or taking off a baby table in the lady’s bathroom). The land concealed by the shopping centre was very green with tall rock islands and several large lakes. The secret land was unknown by many and cherished by those who knew about it. A plot for this setting could be an evil organisation trying to break their way into the sacred land and an all out war could commence inside a shopping centre. But the twist is that both sides are trying to fight in secret so the public doesn’t know what’s going on.

Those are two story ideas that I’m considering writing a story on, if writing a short story is necessary one point for school. By the way, these are MY ideas and I would like to discourage anyone from stealing my ideas.